Taiji Qigong Courses

(please note that the information regarding private lessons
can now be found on www.volkerbaensch.info/en)


Course take place continuously. It is possible to start attending a course at any time.

  • Monday
    • 9:30-10:30 Uhr Taijiquan-Beginner – Hobscheid
    • 10:30-11:30 Uhr Taijiquan – Hobscheid
      14:00-15:30 Uhr Taijiquan – Reckange-Mess
      16:30-17:30 Uhr  Taijiquan -Reckange-Mess
      17:30-18:30 Uhr  TaijiquanWeapons training/Tuishou – Reckange-Mess
  • Tuesday
    • 19:30-21:00 Uhr Qi Gong – Reckange-Mess
  • Thursday
    • 19:15-20:45 Uhr Taijiquan – Reckange-Mess
  • Friday
    • 10:00-11:00 Uhr Qi Gong – Berchem
    • 12:15-13:15 Uhr Taijiquan – Luxembourg
    • 17:45-18:45 Uhr Taijiquan – Reckange-Mess
  • Saturday
    • 9:00-10:30 Uhr Taijiquan – Dudelange
    • 10:30-12:00 Uhr Qi Gong – Dudelange
    • 12:00-13:00 Uhr Wushu – Dudelange


The courses take place in the following venues:

Ehemaliger Kindergarten hinter dem Gemeindehaus von Reckange-Mess
83, rue Jean Pierre Hilger
L-4980 Reckange-Mess (map)

Judo & Ju Jitsu Club Dudelange (Ecole Gaffelt)
66, rue Gaffelt
L-3480 Dudelange (Karte)

Luxembourg (vom 01. Mai – 14. September)

Luxembourg (vom 15. September – 30. April)
Centre Culturel Alrimenti
5, avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 Luxembourg

Club Eist Heem
54, rue Oscar Romero
L-3321 Berchem

Treff Aal Schoul
33A, Grand Rue
L-8372 Hobscheid


All prices include VAT.

Bank account: CCRA IBAN: LU19 0090 0000 6112 7411

Individual responsibility of participants:

Participation in courses and training is at one’s own risk and responsibility.

Qi Gong and Taijiquan are soft forms of movement. Therefore, injuries are seldom. However, accidents and injuries cannot be excluded as for any sport.

Please talk first to your general practitioner in case of known health problems.

All relevant health problems should be communicated to the teacher, in order to adapt the course program if necessary.